Signs of Spring 1 with original poem.

Signs of Spring 1 with original poem., Acrylic
Signs of Spring 1 with original poem.
Signs of Spring painting comes with this original poem by Yvonne Toomey

Signs of Spring

Under the snow so heavy and hard I wait, I struggle.

I try to keep my confidence up,

I remind myself that every spring is another chance, I struggle.

I feel it coming, I may have seen the snow glistenning,

I may have seen the snow melting, I struggle.

My bent stem pops through the snow and then the unfurling,

Oh, the unfurling, so freeing, and I feel it.

I feel the full warmth of the sun, and I feel the promise.

Crocus are among the very first flowers to bloom in early spring here in New England. The crocus reach their cheery blossoms toward the warm sun while there is still snow on the ground. My favorite are the purple and lavender petals that I look for in my yard as spring promises to come soon. Crocus blossoms are magnets for winter-weary bees, who are drawn to the rich, golden pollen inside each flower.

Acrylic    9.5 x 9.5 x 2    $222.00